In the final instalment of this series, covering the vital questions to address in your PR campaign, I turn to “how?”.
You see, it is all very well having a grand PR strategy, replete with tight messaging that resonates with your audience (if you’ve read my other posts you should have it by now) but you need tactics.
You need to add the HOW, to your who, what, where, when and why. Otherwise, it is all just noise and nothing gets done. Zero results.
I’ve already had this article published here and leveraged across that website’s social media channels and in turn mine. I have also tweaked it to turn it into a blog post, published it on LinkedIn here and sent it via newsletter to my opted-in subscribers.
However, this is not the magic bullet. Spoiler, there is NO magic bullet.
What we need is a good mix of tactics that support the greater whole, the master plan. In my case, my wider objective is to tell 2020 stories by 2020. That is a win/win for all parties and one with scale. It also requires big numbers of suspects, prospects, leads and conversions.
So I mix things up a little. I run events on how to reach the media. I do webinars on how to position yourself as an expert. I write guest blogs for other organisations. I network…a lot.
I write news releases that are relevant my target market. I comment in the press on issues that I have expertise on.
Whisper it quietly but I’ve even been known to try the radical approach of picking…up…the…phone. Marketing madness!
I’m not one for glamorous events, (for my business anyway) but I will run seminars. I sponsor relevant causes and opportunities. Fair warning but as we speak, I’m writing a script for a video.
You know I wrote a book right?
The point is, it is no good having a vision and a great plan without defining the actions that will help you execute it. Take the time to weigh up all the options available to you.
Test it, measure it, improve and refine it. You can’t say it doesn’t work if you haven’t tried it or analysed its ROI.
They say you should try everything once barring two things….a free copy of my book to the first person who gets this right and comments on my Facebook page.