My Simple Manifesto: If I Was The PM Of PR Or The Minister Of Marketing

Now, whilst the latter post sounds that my office might be based within the locality of Hogwarts, I was asked this question at an event last week;

“What would you change in PR and Marketing?”

Now, this was a question that was not about the industry, trust me, that would bore you to tears and be less useful to the 99% of people reading this – business owners, entrepreneurs and marketing professionals.

What the chap wanted me to answer was, in effect; “What would your advice be to people running their own PR and Marketing so they can try something different?”

There’s a great deal I would urge people to change in terms of their approach to the above and it all starts with ACTUALLY DOING IT vs constantly researching and learning, plotting and scheming without any implementation.

However, therein lies the answer…

It’s about education.

In fact, it’s education, Education, EDUCATION, to borrow a phrase from a certain T Blair.

That’s because far too much of the marketing that crosses this desk for critiques, polishes or total rewrites (all services you can access) is just fluff.

Or it is just a sales pitch.

It’s all me, Me, ME, not you, You, YOU.

It doesn’t HELP the audience. It vomits sales copy into their inbox or onto their desk.

It’s the same with PR.

I’m a former business journalist so I have seen this from all sides

Reporters do not exist to profile you or your business. They are there to inform and entertain their audience. Often both.

Give them insight. Explain tricky topics, Help them. Be useful.

Educate them so that they can better inform their audience.

Right, school’s out, I have 8 different comments on the General Election to get away across 8 different sectors and no…none of them are selling anything the client provides other than their expertise.
