That Friday feeling

Phew, what a day (hmmm, sound like Tommy 2 Days from the Direct Line insurance ad there). Great meeting with the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, the genuinely genuine Jeannie Packer and her colleagues at Nottingham City Council.

I went with the Blak Pearl team to see if the Mayor and the council would get behind the ILSG 2010 event in London next year and the answer was an emphatic YES!

It was great to see their enthusiasm in supporting Vishal in his business venture and I hope that once we get this show on the road we will be able to demonstrate that Nottingham has a heck of a lot going for it, especially with regards to innovative businesses and student enterprise.

Credit must go to the Enterprise Lab at The University of Nottingham for their support in getting Blak Pearl started but much of it is down to sheer force of self belief, probably engendered by exactly the sort of speakers we expect to see at ILSG 2010, Brian Tracy being the keynote.

I’ve already heard a few people question how well this style of event and coaching technique will go down in the UK but it has to be said, no negative feedback has come from entrepreneurs and that is the attitude we need to foster here in the UK as we battle our way out of this recession.

There’s always something to learn from every situation, you just have to use it if you possibly can.


