Rather than moan about another candle on the birthday cake this year I thought I’d take the “another year wiser” angle and ask a few folk for their own snippets of wisdom via twitter and LinkedIn. 33 words or fewer.*
As promised and in no particular order, here are some of the gems that were unearthed:
@IOFlood – Gabriel Ramuglia www.ioflood.com
Worry about scaling your business model after you see demand for it, not when designing the initial offering. If nobody buys what you’re offering, the optimization / scaling work will have been pointless.
@BEMtweets – BEM Magazine’s Andrew Shelton www.bemmag.co.uk
get consumed in the doing – not the talking about doing
@BlakpearlEvents – aka Vishal Misal via @briantracy www.blakpearl.com
Go as far as you can see, you will then see far enough to go further
@StrataFinance – aka Nic Rotton www.stratafinance.co.uk
Stick to the path and beware of the moon – you lost me there Nic!
@TerrySWHC – www.whitehouse-consult.co.uk
1. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming. 2. Age is a very high price to pay for maturity 3. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. 4. Is there another word for ‘synonym’?
@cuadrosgallery – aka George Thornton www.cuadros.co.uk
Always carry your business card, flyer or promotional material with you! At every opportunity, venue, party, pub, football match or supermarket, get them out and start talking to people about what you do!
@betterlanguages aka Mike Hunter www.betterlanguages.com
New to export? Less can be more with translation: target one export market well
network, network, network! Makes life easier, is more fun & gets better results
@redactiebureau aka Esther van der Wal www.redactiebureausterk.nl
Work with your heart’s desires. Stay true and present yourself to customers just the way you are. Top biz tip: be authentic!
@Vertaalster_M aka Martinique Koevoets www.martinique-translation.com
Respect those who work for you
@fmpickering aka Francine Pickering www.clarity-in-communication.com
Don’t think of marketing as just about promoting your business. It’s about truly understanding your customers and providing them with real value. Marketing puts the customer at the heart of your business
@cherryprof aka Simon Gray www.cherryprofessional.co.uk
Unsure of your direction in life? Look around for what scares you. Chase the fear and live outside of your comfort zone and you’ll be on the right track!
Richard Baker, Editor www.thisisbusinesseastmidlands.co.uk
I only ever get older and wider. But with width comes wisdom!
Thanks to everyone for taking part in this. As Rob Brydon might say it was “just a bit of fun.”
And my own tip? “All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.”
Thanks to Henry David Thoreau for that one.
*Let’s not get into the less and fewer concept here people!