Ingredients for a tasty PR campaign

Last week I answered a question over at the business reality website

George Thornton, the owner of Nottingham-based gallery Cuadros has some great news to shout about as he is now accredited to the pioneering “Own Art” scheme. Essentially, you can buy contemporary art with 0% finance.

However, George has to be careful with his budget so he was looking to do some DIY PR. As George is a former chef in a Michelin-starred restaurant, I thought I’d break down the ingredients of a classic PR campaign and perhaps lift the lid a little on the melting pot of PR. Warning, extended analogy alert!


Here’s a taster, just for starters:

What are you trying to achieve?

Firstly, work out what you are trying to make. PR for PR’s sake is pretty pointless so establish what you want to achieve first, then you can test, measure and tweak it as you go. If a table of six sat down and asked you for your recommendation you wouldn’t just begin banging the pots and pans around making a lot of noise about “something spicy with meat in it”. On the contrary, you’d work out what you have in your store cupboard, what you have in fresh today from local suppliers, what the guests have told you they like and then, if you can, you’d add a little seasonal twist.

You can read the main course in full here



