I have a confession…
I feel guilty.
The problem is, I now feel guilty about feeling guilty.
I’ve just got home from a week away in Salcombe and I’m back at it with renewed energy having had a lovely rest and only having to deal with 2 texts whilst I was off.
So why the guilt?
This can’t be a healthy thing but it ate away at me for a good fortnight before I packed my bags and even though I had let my clients know that I was going to be away, it still felt like I was letting people down.
Or, given that I had cover in place if anything URGENT happened, maybe I was feeling anxious about letting myself down?
How dare I take a week off?
How dare I not be pushing, striving and straining every day of the week, every waking hour?
What if I missed an opportunity? What if a prospect got back to me on a proposal and wanted me to crack on there and then?
What if, what if, what if?
The thing is, I’m slowly learning that after running my own business for 14 years that it is OK to not be “on it” 24/7.
It is OK to not be available at the drop of a hat.
It is OK and in fact, no, it is ESSENTIAL to take a break, both for the good of my health and for my performance for clients.
So if you have had that twinge of guilt of late, don’t worry, you are not the only one.
Please remember to just give yourself a break – everyone will be better for it.