Winsday Wisdom – Neil’s business keeps on truckin’ after Daily Express coverage

This week, we’re celebrating business investor and scale-up expert Neil O’Brien, who has helped generate major coverage in the national press for his recruitment firm that specialises in the logistic industry.

Read on to discover more…

You may have heard that we have a lorry driver shortage? Panic at the pumps and all that?

Well, is it true? Do we? 

Or is the media getting a bit carried away or even…dun, dun, durrrrrrr, misinformed?


You see, it turns out that it isn’t as simple as all that and Neil, who is a director of Runcorn-based D&D Recruit, with hundreds of drivers on the books as we speak, wanted people to know that.

His company works with some of the BIGGEST names in logistics, so when he emailed explaining that the press was “fuelling” (sorry, couldn’t resist) the problem, I was intrigued.

 Winsday Wisdom - Neil’s business keeps on truckin’ after Daily Express coverage

How do we get the message out to the press that they are, well, wrong?

First of all, we do some stalking. We see who is writing on the issue and we offer to help.

Reporters are there to inform and entertain and the one who gets the full picture will be rewarded in media land.

In turn, we get rewarded with coverage. Lovely national coverage.

I found one reporter that was covering the story and knowing that Neil had a piece ready to go as a blog for Linkedin I “reached out” as we say in marketing – urrrrghhhh!.

With some nips here and a few tucks there, we had a press-ready piece that this reporter would probably really appreciate. Please notice that I am going for the rifle shot here, not “praying and spraying” content out there hoping for a hit.

The result was this little beauty, perfectly positioning Neil and D&D Recruit “Neil O’Brien, director of D&D Recruit, an agency that specialises in staffing up big names like FedEx and UPS” in the minds of those drivers and logistics firms and establishing him as an expert.

Remember, reporters like “tried and tested” sources they can rely on and plan around.

It is why they work with folk like me and my merry band of clients.

That is why “they always seem to use the same experts”.

They DO this because they trust them.

It is up to you to get them to trust you.

That starts with a conversation about how ready you are to become the go-to-guru in your field.

I’ve put together this super-speedy test for you to take that might help focus your efforts.

Take it, then book a chat with me to see how we can work together to build your profile and perfect your positioning as an expert in the media.

Happy Headlines,


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