How to keep your fishfingers on the Pulse on LinkedIn

There’s some utter rubbish written about Linkedin by self-appointed experts.

I mean grade A trash.

I do not profess to be an expert, although I am rather handy at it, as 75 reactions and over 8,000 views of my post below suggests.


Now let’s be honest, we’ve ALL been on the receiving end of the frankly tragic “instant-pitch” on this much maligned and much-underused channel.

You know the one, seconds after connecting you get the inbox alert with the sales pitch having just virtually met them SECONDS before. 

Seriously, is that how these people are in “real life”?!

You can read more on my thoughts on that HERE, warning, it contains ranting and high doses of sarcasm.

Meanwhile, back to “real life” and Linkedin. 

If you have met me, you will know that I love a terrible pun and that I am a huge fan of wordplay – no, not YOU Chris Martin!

So when a contact of mine, Dan Holt posted this classic error from a copywriting expert on LinkedIn, I had to share it.

8000 views later (after just a week) it is still going strong!

Remember, people need light relief from the utter tedium of Linkedin’s usual pitch fest.

Now, that’s not to say that your social media campaign should be based at #BantsCentralStation or that you should spend your time TRYING to be hilarious or indeed being something that you are not to try to force a measure of mirth into your marketing.

Just be alert to the moments that tickle you and that have relevance to your audience. 

I am a professional writer so this one is perfect for me to share. Cat videos less so.

Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to show that you are a human with a sense of humour, people buy from people, not automated Linkedin “outreach campaigns”.

Oh, whilst you’re at it, if we aren’t connected, let’s do something about that. You can find me HERE – under the cryptic handle “Greg Simpson PR Expert”

Subtle eh?
