Press For Awards

Press For Attention - PR Support with awards submissions

I have 3 very quick questions for you:

  1. Is your business award winning?
  2. Could it be?
  3. If so, why haven’t you done anything about it?

Maybe you are a little shy? That’s actually fairly typical!

Or perhaps you don’t have the TIME to compile an award submission PROPERLY.

Have no fear…this is where Press for Awards can help.

Who am I & why does it matter to you?

I’m a former business journalist and have been on the judging panel for many different awards. I have run my PR agency for over 15 years and I’m a published author on the subject.

So? I typically review over 100 award entries from businesses every year in this role. I will be totally upfront with you here… The VAST MAJORITY of the submissions I see are hardly trophy material! So, I have decided to do something about this.

To your success,

Greg Simpson

P.S We walk the walk as well as talk the talk: